
"I Wish My Friends' Houses Were Connected to Mine Via Secret Tunnels"

A few pics from our girls' (+ kids) weekend last week in Bloomington. I am BEYOND blessed with so many wonderful ladies in my life (this group, my Btown group, and my family!). Life is awesome.

P.S. I don't know who the quote in the blog entry title is from, but I love it. I also love this:

 Jen's little ones: B & M

Seja and her little ones: Maddie and Maia:

My lovely sis Lisa and my adorable niece Emma:

Hot Mamas! Seja, Jen, Amy:

Kids! We'll be adding one very soon via Amy!

This is so Maia. Sweet as pie with a little something "up her sleeve!"

M & M:

Gwendolyn, our newest addition Abby, Seja, and Jen:

Amy and Easton ~ E loved the waterslide!


Jen, Seja, Schwendy, Me, Amy, and baby Abby: 

Sweetest girls on the block:

M & B adore Maddie!

Passing the baby and the bottle:

My turn!


This pic does not come close to doing this moment justice:

Auds: At the end of it all! Zzzzzzzzz


  1. I am determined to leave a comment after this entry. What a beautiful post. So blessed and lucky to have grown up together and now have the gift of raising our kids together as well. Love you xo
